Hello and welcome to our platform here at Locals, we are an aggregator/analytical group of professionals in a variety of different interesting content, from US & Global news, politics/policy, Financial Markets analysis, financial education/insurance planning, to music, pop culture, etc.for freedom loving people that are conservative/freedom minded and beyond! Please share and subscribe and share this wonderful community link with all of your friends and family if we are to maintain a free and prosperous United States of America beyond the Establishment Rhinos & Dinos trying to take away our power as We The People need to hold Our Government/Businesses’ accountable to us all - Thank you, in advance for your Support (CVU)
Community Guidelines
Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:
- Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
- Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
- No pornography
- Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
- Relax, be yourself, and enjoy
- Thank you, in advance for your Support (CVU)